The more your organization grows, the more information is added to your workspace. That's where the Holaspirit Search tool comes in handy, helping you easily and quickly find what you're looking for!
To access the Search tool, click on the magnifying glass icon at the top of the navigation bar.
Your most recent searches will be displayed so you can access them again.
To find what you're looking for, filter your search by selecting the section in which you'd like to find. Then, you can also apply more advanced filters to facilitate access to information in a more precise and rapid manner.
You can search among:
Circles (Name, Purpose, Domains, Accountabilities, Custom fields)
Roles (Name, Purpose, Domains, Accountabilities, Custom fields)
Attachments (Title, Description)
Publications (Title, Body, Type)
Policy (Title, Body)
Checklists (Name, Description)
Metrics (Name, Description)
Board (Name)
Tasks (Name, Description, Label)
OKRs (Name, Description, Key Result)
Meeting reports (Meeting name, Agenda item, Body)
Members (Name, Phone, Location, Skills, Custom fields, Scope)