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Set up your organization's Inbox

Learn how to change tension wording to note, spark, driver

Elodie Ohanian avatar
Written by Elodie Ohanian
Updated over a week ago

👉 Inbox wording customization is available with the Rise, Scale and Enterprise plans. Find out more!

Holaspirit's goal is to help all organizations become more agile, following their own methods and concepts. Tensions are a crucial part of the communication in an organization, that's why choosing the right wording can have a strong impact on how members see and use the Inbox app.

As an Admin, you can choose the term used in Inbox by all members, depending on the methodology in place in your organization:

  • Tension - in Holacracy, is an opportunity, a feeling that something could be different such as improving a process, sharing an idea, implementing a project…

  • Driver - in Sociocracy, is what motivates to act or collaborate: a specific situation and the needs associated with it.

  • Spark or Note - a thought, an idea, a suggestion. Anything that crosses your mind and that you might either want to keep to yourself or share with your team.

To change the wording for tensions:

👤 Only Administrators can access the Inbox settings.

  • Click on your profile icon and select Administration

  • Scroll down to the Apps section and select Inbox

  • In the Wording section, choose the appropriate term in the drop-down list

  • Click Save

📌 Note: You can only choose between these four predefined terms and cannot define your own personalized wording. If no term is selected, "Note" will be used by default in Inbox.

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