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Statistics on Holaspirit

Learn how to export statistics of your organization

Elodie Ohanian avatar
Written by Elodie Ohanian
Updated over a week ago

👉 Governance stats are available with all plans, Usage stats are only available with the Scale and Enterprise plans. Find out more!

Holaspirit gives admin access to the statistics of your workspaces and provides key insights to track how people engage on the tool.

Governance stats

👤 Only Admins have access to the statistics.

You can view and exports number relating to the governance of your workspace including the number of active members, roles, circles policies and meetings in your organization and in each circle.

To access this data:

  • Click on your profile icon and select Administration

  • Go to the Statistics section

  • Click on the Export button to download this information

What does the export contain?

  • Circle statistics: Number of members, roles, projects, policies, meetings per circle, Date of last circle meeting, Circle privacy settings, Integrations and webhooks, Governance mode, Assignment and election rules.

  • Role distribution: Number of assigned or vacant roles.

  • Stats Summary: Total circles, roles, members, members without roles, average number of roles per member.

Note: It is possible that the table doesn't appear in full – probably because your workspace contains a lot of circles. In this case, just export the data in XLS. To access all the statistics.

Usage stats per app

You can follow the usage of each app by the members in your organization over the last 12 months. This data gives you an overview of the number of items created (actions, projects, OKRs and meetings) as well as the usage of each app. If you need help interpreting this data, please contact your CSM.

You can access these stats for each app independently:

  • Click on your profile icon and select Administration

  • In the Apps section, click on the desired app

  • Go to the Statistics tab

Definitions of tracked events


  • Created actions : Total actions created during the month.

  • Opened actions : Total number of unchecked actions during the month.

  • Active members: Number of users who had at least one activity (created/completed/deleted action) during the month / Total number of users


  • Projects created : Total projects created during the month.

  • Open projects: Total number of projects (not archived) during the month.

  • Active members: Number of users who had at least one activity (created/completed/deleted action) during the month / Total number of users

  • Active circles: Number of circles that had at least one activity (project created/completed/deleted) during the month / Total number of circles


  • OKRs created : Total OKRs created during the month.

  • OKRs opened: Total number of OKRs (not archived) during the month.

  • Active members: Number of users who had at least one activity (OKR created/completed/deleted) during the month / Total number of users

  • Active circles: Number of circles that had at least one activity (OKR created/completed/deleted) during the month / Total number of circles


  • Meetings created: Total meetings opened and scheduled in the month

  • Active circles: Number of circles that had at least one meeting scheduled or opened during the month / Total number of circles

How to export these stats?

To export and download this data in Excel format, go to the Exports tab and click on the Export button in the Export Statistics section.

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