The Publications app helps members to collaborate on content, that's why consent decision-making can be useful. It allows all collaborators and members of the circle in which the publication exists to be notified of change(s) and agree to them.
Publications & consent decision-making
What does it mean?
Publications are often used to document processes, guidelines and many more types of documentation. They are crucial to the well-functioning of the organization and require for the teams and their members to participate in their making and updating.
Applying consent decision-making to publications allows working asynchronously with proposals. It makes it effective for members to collaborate and request formal approval though proposals, as well as keeping everyone in the team aware of what goes on in the circle.
It simply means that, to publish a version of a publication for a circle, members of that circle will need to consent to said version. This applies to publishing a newly created publication or bringing changes to an existing one, both asynchronously or in meetings.
Apply consent to publications in your organization
π€ Only Admins can manage decision settings for the organization.
You can decide to apply consent decision-making to some or all publications types, defined for your organization in its Publications types settings.
π Note: Consent decision-making can only be applied to publications if consent mode is defined for your organization.
To apply consent to a publication type in your organization:
Click on your profile icon and select Administration
Click on Decision settings
Go to the Publications section
In the drop-down list, select the publication type(s)
Click Save to confirm
The publication types configured with consent require circle-members' approval, whereas the types not selected can freely be edited by the circle members.
π Note: Decision settings on publications only apply to the circles synchronized with the organization's settings. If a circle has modified their own decision settings, changes won't apply. Check out the Circle dashboard to identify the de-synchronised circles.
Apply consent to publications in your circle
π€ Only Admins and Circle admins can define and manage settings for their circle.
Because some circles might operate differently from others in your organization, you can personalize the decision mode applied to publications at the circle level.
This can mean that, if consent is not applied to a type of publication at the organization level, it can be applied to that same publication type at the circle level.
π Notes:
Consent decision-making can only be applied to publications if consent mode is defined for your circle.
Changing only the publication types to which consent applies in your circle will not affect the circle's synchronization with the organization's decision settings.
To apply consent to a publication type in your circle:
Go to the Circle page
Click on the 3 dots in the top right corner
Select Settings
Go to the General tab
Scroll down to the Decision settings section and access Publications
In the drop-down list, select the publication type(s)
Click Save to confirm