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August 2021 Product Updates

New charts types, filters, heat maps

Karolina Krawczyk avatar
Written by Karolina Krawczyk
Updated over a week ago

We've reviewed the user experience on the Governance page.

Roles becomes the default page when you log in to Holaspirit.

New sorting and filtering options are available on your Chart.

This updates allows you:

Create, customize and personalize your org chart in ways never possible before.

New org charts types

As businesses evolve and organizational hierarchies are beginning to flatten, organizational chart need to evolve similarly.

Whether you’re a typical top-down operation, a modern holacracy, or anything in between, real, day-to-day work gets done in networks of teams, in structures that enable self-organizing teams to organize and collaborate together. It suggest a specific way of structuring the company as a network of roles and teams (and not people).

They exist in all kinds of shapes and sizes, and every organizational structure can be drawn in different ways.

While Holaspirit can help teams update their org chart and maintain a clear structure, we wanted to go the extra mile and offer more possibility to visualize your organization as it truly is.

Note: You will only be able to see the different chart type if an admin has enabled it.

Activate chart types in Administration

Admins will find new Chart settings in Administration.
From there, they will be able to activate the chart type that suits their company need.

They can activate more than one chart type, and allow users to choose between different graphics. Check out this article for a step-by-step guide.

The different chart types

There are 3 org chart types.


Most commonly used by organization that works with Holacracy, it's a great alternative to the traditional pyramid-shaped management hierarchy with a structure based on the idea of holarchy… It looks like a series of nested circles. Each circle (i.e. team) is made up of a set of roles, grouped together around a specific function — whether it be a specific project team, a department, a support function, or a business line. It depicts a hierarchy of teams.

Network of teams

Another visual representation would be to show the main circle (i.e. General circle) in the center with hubs of teams surrounding it. All circles are described on the same level as a flat network of teams.

Role relations

Note: this org chart will only display if roles have mentioned other roles in their governance (i.e. Purpose, Domains, Accountabilities) with @role title. Read more

This org chart helps visualize internal relationships between roles when a role is mentioned in another role/circle. It shows the rapid communication and collaboration between the different entities and may be used to demonstrate company workflows.

Additional filter options on your org chart

You can apply several filters to your org chart:

  • by roles title: simply type the name of the role you want to highlight on your chart, it will automatically show up in color on the chart.

  • by member: if you want to visualize roles that a specific member holds in your company and in what teams he/she operates, you can search the name of that person and make their role appear in blue on the chart.

  • by activity: display the roles that have been active during the last 7, 30 or 90 days. Active means that the role has changed in terms of assignation or governance evolution (change in name, purpose, domains, accountabilities or custom fields).

  • by role type: you can easily identify the role that are vacant or hiring in your organization. Use this information to assign members to vacant roles or apply to a hiring role. You can also display the main roles defined in each circle of your organization.

Search in your org chart

You can run a simple search on your org chart by typing the role, circle title you're looking for in the search bar at the top right of your screen.
Results will show up in blue on your org chart.

While you can run a search behind the magnifying glass in the blue left navigation menu and get a list of results, this option allow you to get more visual results and actually see where the results are located in your org chart.

You can always search a role from the menu Roles. You will find the same sorting options.

Apply heat maps

Note: Heat maps are available on the Holarchy and Networks of teams charts, not on the Role Relation chart.

A heat map is a graphical representation of your org chart that uses a system of color-coding to represent different values. Heat map are a simple and effective way to keep updated with key information which helps resource management and planning. It creates a visual and more comprehensive overview of how your organization is really behaving and makes it easier to analyse at a glance, segment and filter the org chart.

There are two heat maps available:

  • FTE: it shows values of full time equivalent in each role. If your organization has enable Time Spent in Roles app, use the heatmap to show how ressources are distributed among roles.

  • Last updated roles: ever wondering what changed recently? With this heat map you can show what were the last updated roles. It helps you monitor the evolution of your organization over time.

Heatmap of Full Time Equivalent

Note: FTE heat map will only display when you have enabled Time Spent in Roles application.

You can generate a heat map to identify potential over/under-loaded roles and circles. The FTE heat map is an effective visualization aid for organization to quickly get an overview of the role assignment and resources intensity.

You can check how much time role uses in every teams. Use the legend on the right bottom side of your screen to quickly analyse your chart.

To see the FTE Heatmap:

  • At the top of the chart page, click the filter option to expand the right menu

  • Select the Holarchy or Network of team chart type

Move the toolbar "Display FTE on the chart" to the right

Heat map of last updates

Note: this option will only display if you're on the Holarchy or Network of teams chart.

Ever wondering what was the latest evolution made on roles and circles? Now you can show the last updates directly on the chart.

You can think of the activity heat map as a form of visual storytelling that will helps you understand how your organization has evolved through time. Was this role updated this year, this week, this quarter?

Evolutions that are taken into account in the heat map include:

  • Change in Title, Purpose, Domains, Accountabilities, Policies or any custom fields of the roles.

  • New role or circle.

  • New member assigned or elected.

Check out the evolution you've missed on the roles that were recently updated in the Activities tab and make sure you have a complete understanding of how your organization structures.

To see the Activity Heatmap:

  • At the top of the chart page, click the filter option to expand the right menu

  • Select the Holarchy based or Flat team chart under Chart type

  • Move the toolbar "Display last updated role and circle" to the right

Export your org chart and heat map

Your org chart and heat maps can only be seen by you.

It means that when you filter, segment your org chart, it will not be updated on the Holaspirit of your colleagues. If you want to export or share your heat maps and org chart from Holaspirit, you may export a PNG or take your own screenshots.

Simply click on the download icon to export your chart.


  • Every user can filter the org chart and use the new features sorting options.

  • Admins can activate new chart types and set a default chart type for users to see.

See also

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