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✍️ Holaspirit's Release Note (2024)
✍️ Holaspirit's Release Note (2024)

Keep up to date with the new features and evolutions our team brings to Holaspirit

Elodie Ohanian avatar
Written by Elodie Ohanian
Updated over a week ago

🚀 2024

Stay on top of Holaspirit's new features and improvements!


3rd of July

☀️ Synchronize Holaspirit meetings with your external calendar

We’re excited to announce some amazing updates that will make your Holaspirit experience with meetings even more seamless and efficient!

🆕 What's new?

  • Instant sync
    Holaspirit meetings now sync instantly upon creation, edition, or deletion without delay. Your external calendar will always be up-to-date!

  • Circle configuration
    Decide which circle meetings are sent to your external calendar, keeping your schedule perfectly organized with only the meetings scheduled in selected circles.

  • Detailed meeting info
    Holaspirit meeting details (URL, location, description, circle, title or template name) now show directly on your external calendar events.

  • Simplified sync activation
    Enabling the sync (with Google or Outlook) is now more intuitive than ever: a few clicks, and you’re all set!


12th of June

🔡 Translation add-on improvements

In organizations which deploy Holaspirit in different language-speaking countries and use the Translation add-on, member need to access to information easily and in a language that works for them.

That's why we're bringing impactful improvements to the add-on:

  • Members can use the global search to look for content in the organization's core language and their defined translation language.

🌐 Holaspirit x Digital Accessibility

At Holaspirit, we are focused and working hard on making our product accessible!

For users in need of using an accessible platform, we've designed a feature for members to hide views which are not yet accessible, directly from their settings.


15th of May

⭐️ Updated app Headers

We've introduced improved headers to simplify navigation across all our apps, and provide our users with:

  • A streamlined workflow with less time learning, more time doing!

  • More consistency with a same intuitive process in every app.

🆕 What changes?

The views remain the same, we've simply reorganized your headers :

  • Workspace tabs access at the top for more visibility and quick access

  • View types, filters, sort and group bys... all together to simplify configuration

  • Button to add items and Search bar in the same location for more intuitivity


30th of April

⭐️ New: Locked Role Templates

We're excited to introduce a new set of features designed to streamline role management and maintain organizational consistency, though role templates.

🔒 Locked Role Templates

Admins can now lock role templates, preventing edits to core content and maintaining linkage between roles and templates.

✍️ Flexible Customization

Members can add extra accountabilities to locked templates without breaking the link, or choose to override core content, unlinking the role from its template.

🔗 Easy Identification

Quickly identify desynchronized roles through new export options, enhancing role management efficiency.

👍 Improvements

Extended Search

Now, tasks' labels are included in searches, making it easier to find what you need quickly. This feature is available in the global search and within the Projects app's search bars.

Custom fields enhancements

  • Migration of Existing Fields
    The Biography member field and Strategy circle field have been migrated to becom customizable, without any data loss.

  • Enhanced Customization
    Order Multi and Single select options via drag-and-drop in the Administration panel during both creation and edition.

24th April

🌟 New Projects app

We are thrilled to announce the launch of Holaspirit's new Projects app ! 🚀

To provide global enhancement while offering lots of new features, we worked hard to bring the Actions and Projects together, all while integrating our users' feedback along the way.

Our goal? Take the best of both worlds to enhance you task and project management, and make sure members can navigate their work effortlessly!

🌐 Unified Actions & Project

Actions and Projects become Tasks, which can be used as part of a project board or as standalone reminders and to-dos. Build as many levels of subtasks as needed to thoroughly define project details.

🔄 Three views in one place

Easily switch between Hierarchy, List, and Kanban views to manage your tasks and project boards seamlessly from one app.

⚙️ Configure your workspaces

Define the views most adapted to your workflow, either in a board or in your member's workspace. Use group-bys to efficiently focus, and pin your boards for quick-access.

🧙 Create multiple boards

No limits on the number of boards you can create per circle, allowing for meticulous project management. Add it, name it, work it!

🛠️ Board Administration

Boards have their owns Administrators and settings, where privacy, completion column and admin rights can be managed.

🚕 Task relocation

Move tasks seamlessly between boards, or from your workspace to a board, and decide precisely where they land.

📊 Progress tracking

Update and customize your task's progression bar for a clear, visual representation of advancement.

📑 Efficient templates and archiving

Duplicate boards and tasks for recurring projects, and archive completed boards to maintain a clear history.

🤝 Dynamic collaboration tools

Consult the list of board members, track changes with the board's activity log, use filters to find tasks quickly, and export data for reporting.

📆 Manage projects in meetings

Use project boards in meetings, for a efficient review and collaboration time.

17th of April

⭐️ New custom fields for circles, roles and members

A rich documentation is crucial for transparency and clarity within organizations. That's why we've made a step further toward role and circle personalization through new custom fields features!

These new features are applicable to role and circle Custom fields and Members fields, manageable by Admins in the Administration settings.

✨ New field types

We've added List and Multi-select options to our existing Text and Single-select fields to make organizing and capturing information more effective for roles, circle but also members profiles.

👤 Display management for Admins

Set where fields are shown in governance: across roles & circles, roles only, circles only, or hidden. You can also arrange the display order with a simple drag'n'drop on governance pages and member profiles directly from the Administation.

✍️ Seamless edition

Members can now effortlessly edit and add content directly on their respective role, circle, or profile pages, simplifying updates and encouraging active participation.

🎨 Customizable fields

The "Strategy" field on circles and the "Biography" field on member profiles are now customizable fields, allowing for adjustments in name, type, and visibility to better align with your organization's needs.


27th of March

🗓️ Transfer agenda when closing a meeting

We've made managing unprocessed agenda items when closing a meeting more straightforward, by:

  • Clarifying the impact of closing a meeting on unprocessed items: it now clearly states that items go back to their owners' Inbox.

  • Making possible for the Secretary to transfer all remaining unprocessed agenda items to another meeting of the recurrence.

  • Showing what meeting agenda items have been transferred to, directly on the meeting report.

🗓️ Order agenda items

Being able to prepare meetings, by adding agenda items and organizing them is a must! That's why we've made significant changes to help you get your meetings ready:

  • As a meeting participant, order all agenda items with a simple drag'n'drop before the meeting starts.

  • As the meeting Secretary, use the drag'n'drop feature to order the agenda while the meeting is open.

🌐 Improvements on Chart layout

Following the release of the new chart layout, we've received a lot of feedback from our users, and we thank you for that! 🙏

Our goal is to continuously improve your chart, acting quickly on your inputs, so all organizations can get the best visualization possible.

So far, we've adapted by :

  • Adding a white border on the circle names to make them easier to read despite sometimes overlapping.

  • Show the roles on the deeper levels for organizations that need it.

  • Improve display to make roles show in a cluster, and for the overall layout to be more visually "clean".

Share your thoughts on these changes with us, using the Share feedback button at the bottom right of your chart. 😊

🔗 Jira integration update

Jira provides services through two products that can be integrated with Holaspirit : Cloud and Server. Since the 15th of February 2024, Jira has put an end to their Server products and apps. However, no changes have been made to the Cloud product and apps, still supported and serviced to this day.

Originally, the Holaspirit integration with Jira, was set up to support Jira's two product types: Server and Cloud. To adapt to Jira's changes, we have updated our integrations only to support Cloud products.

Integration update launch scheduled on the 28th of March

📌 What does it mean?

  • Server support has been be removed from Holaspirit's Jira interation.

  • Only Cloud is supported by Holaspirit's Jira integration.

  • The integration activation is simplified.

  • We use the latest version of the API (more effective for matching users for example)

📌 How does it impact me?

  • All circles currently on Cloud only need to re-activate the Jira integration on Holaspirit so it's up to date and usable.

  • All circles currently on Server, need to migrate to Cloud and disable and re-activate the Jira integration on Holaspirit to keep using it.

👉 No data will be lost in the process, only the link between holaspirit and the external tool is updated.

20th of March

🌐 Smoother Chart navigation

We've made significant enhancements to the chart navigation based on ou users' feedback, addressing frustatinos to make working with the chart more efficient.

  • Role and circle names diplay is reviewed, making them easier to read.

  • Chart layout is spread to optimize display, no more lost space.

  • Zoomed-in views of the chart have their own URLs and are persistent: if you go to another app or refresh the page, you'll find your way back to where you were.

  • Navigation performance is smoother and faster due to the changes above.

🗓️ Clear Meetings display

We've enhanced the group-by-circle meetings view to make it easier to identify meetings to work with and the ones coming up.

  • The Today and Missed sections are always displayed at the top for easy access.

  • Only Future meetings are groupes by circle and can be expanded/collapsed.

  • The view is persistent: collapse the circles you don't wish to see, and they'll remain.

💾 Circle Export

Working with circle data is easier thanks to a dedicated circle export:

  • The export includes information from the circle itself and all its sub-circle levels

  • Accessible from the circle page's options and the Circles Dashboard tab in Administration


28th of February

🧪 New Experimental Features : Projects

Following the gathering of feedbacks from our users regarding the new Projects app, we've made significant changes to fit their use cases with simple and flexible new views!

🚀 These features are available as part of the new Projects app in Experimental Features mode. Enable the experiment, try it out and share your insights with us!

🆕 What's new ?

👀 Three dedicated views, easily navigable

Each view has a purppose, and allows to group the tasks dependind on how you work:

  • Hierarchy, for a comprehensive overview, showcasing how each of your task aligns with larger objectives.

  • List, to organize your tasks by their due dates, for efficient prioritization.

  • Kanban, to display your main tasks in a visual layout, giving you a clear picture of your tasks' progress at a glance.

✅ Better task management

We've separated the checked and unchecked tasks with one button : choose to display only the checked, or both !

👤 "My tasks" focuses on members

Circle tasks are not displayed anymore, only the tasks assigned to the member in their role or as a free standing member. We de-clutter the view by displaying only what they actively need to work on.

🗝️ User experience is key

  • All views are persistent: anything you do will remain no matter if you go to another app or refresh your page.

  • Add due dates from any view, without having to open your tasks.

  • Assignees are clearly identifiable, everywhere.

  • One single button at the top to add tasks (and rule them all).

  • All views can be used in meetings.

21st of February

⭐ New features : Meetings

Following our users' feedack, we're bringin solutions to respond to the challenges they shared with us! We make planning and managing meetings simple, with a focus on flexibility and clarity.

🆕 What's new ?

Name your meetings and re-use templates
Give a title to your meetings to keep them organized and use the same meeting template several times within the same circle.

Use custom recurrences
Create daily, weekly, monthly meetings... the possibilities are endless!

Edit meetings easily
Modify meetings' frequency, title, date, time and duration, wheter it's a unique meeting or an entire recurrence, without having to start from scratch.

Manage missed meetings easily
See unopened meetings in a dedicated section to either reschedule them or transfer the items of their agenda to another meeting of the recurrence.

Smarter meeting deletion
Deleting meetings is now clearer, so you understand what happens next. You can even decide to move all items of the agenda to another meeting.


10th of January

⭐ New feature: manage members in bulk

To make managing organization's members more effective and time-saving for Admins, we've implemented two key features: multiple selection and bulk actions!

From Administration > Manage members you can...

  • Select multiple members

  • Suspend, restore or delete the selection

  • Resend the email invitation to all or only selected members

  • Edit multiple members' status (Admin, User, Inactive)

  • Filter members by last connexion date

  • Sort by newest added member

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