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How to edit a role or a circle?

Discover different ways to edit a role or a circle

Elodie Ohanian avatar
Written by Elodie Ohanian
Updated over 11 months ago

Roles and Circles are dynamic. They can evolve throughout time to adapt to the ever-changing needs of the organization and its members.

Edit a role or circle from the Governance app

πŸ‘€ You need to be a core member of the circle the role you want to edit is part of or a core member of the parent circle to edit its sub-circles.

To edit a role or circle, go to the Governance app:

  • Go to the role or circle page

  • Click on Edit role or Edit circle

  • In the pop-up window, make the changes you deem necessary

  • Click on Add a reason if you wish to explain why you're editing the role or circle

The next step in the creation of your role or circle depends on the decision-making settings set for your organization.

πŸ‘‰ If your organization is set up in free decision mode (set by default after its creation), it means any circle member can edit a role or a circle without needing the other circle member's consent. Click on Validate at the bottom of the page and your role or circle will be edited in real time and the changes automatically applied.

πŸ‘‰ If your organization is set up in consent decision mode, you will need to submit your evolution (editing a role or circle) as a proposal to the other circle members for them to review and vote on before it's implemented.

From there, you have three options:

  • Submit: your proposal is immediately be sent to the other circle members for them to validate or reject. If there is no objection within the validation period, your role or circle will be edited.

  • Save as a proposal: save a draft of your proposal in the Proposals app to review, edit and submit when you are ready.

  • Add to a proposal: if your evolution echoes to another one of your existing proposals, simply add it to that proposal saved in your Proposals app.

πŸ“Œ Note: If you edit a role based on an unlocked role template, the role will not be synced with its template anymore.

Edit a role or circle in a meeting

πŸ‘€ You must be the meeting secretary to capture the meeting results.

πŸ‘€ The meeting template used for the meeting must contain the Agenda step. In this step, the Governance option must be ticked as the result to be obtained. By default, and for Holacracy practitioners, Governance meetings are the right place to address these topics as the Agenda step is already included.

You might want to discuss the edition of a role or circle directly with your team in a meeting. You can submit your idea two ways:

1. If you have already created your proposal you can import it to the meeting, no matter if it's saved as a draft in your Proposals app or if you've already submitted it asynchronously.

2. You can add your idea to edit a role or circle as an Agenda item and create the evolution in the meeting as you go, with your circle. The meeting secretary will:

  • Click on Add meeting results

  • Select Role or Circle

  • Click on Edit a role or Edit a circle

  • Select the role you wish to edit in the drop-down list

  • Edit the role or circle information

  • Click on Save to confirm

You will be able to discuss the proposal with the participants of the meeting to decide together to either validate or reject it. If everyone consents, the evolution will be validated by the meeting secretary and implemented right after the meeting is closed.

Apply a role template to an existing role

As your organization evolves and adapts to change, so do your roles. Over time, some roles might transform and recurrently find their place in more and more circles.

That's why Holaspirit allows you to apply role templates to existing roles in order to save time when redesigning and structuring your organization.

πŸ‘€ You need to be a member of the circle the role is part of, and the role template you want to apply to the role must already be created in Administration. If not, ask an Admin to create one.

⚠️ Important: When applying a role template to an existing role, its Name, Purpose, Domains, and Accountabilities will be permanently replaced by the ones of the template. If that template is locked, it will be possible to add additional accountabilities and domains. 

To apply a role template to an existing role:

  • Go to the role page

  • Click on the three dots in the top right

  • Select Apply to role template

  • Select the role template in the drop-down list

  • If your organization is set up in free decision mode, click on Validate at the bottom of the page to apply the evolution

  • If your organization is set up in consent decision mode, click Submit to send your proposal to your teammates for them to vote on or Save as a proposal in your Proposals app to review and submit later

The role and its template are synchronized

πŸ‘‰ If the template is modified, so will the role.

πŸ‘‰ If the template is locked, it will be only possible to add additional accountabilities and domains to it core content.

πŸ‘‰ If the role template is not locked, it will be possible to edit the role core content. Then, they will be desynchronised. You will be notified of this when editing the role.

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